Kharne Encyclopedia




Professions: Fighter

There are four main classes of adventurer, these being fighter, mage, priest and thief. The reason for only having four character classes and many professions is that it allows you to use a single order for all the characters of a certain class. This makes changing tactics and trade easier and faster.


© FlyingNerve
Fighter is the generic term for a character that has followed the realm of arms. This could be due to lack of training in other areas or a natural inclination to bash things.

The standard profession for fighters is the Warrior and as the name suggests, characters of this profession are skilled in combat and can usually handle all kinds of weapons and armour without difficulty. Toughness is an important attribute for a fighter but awareness is also useful, especially when using missile weapons. When in combat, a fighter's skill statistic is used with the skill he has with his weapon to give an overall fighting ability. Fighters have been trained since adolescence in the wearing of heavy armours. This allows them to use even cumbersome platemail with only minor penalties.

Other classes have specialised in certain areas : The archer is better with a bow or cross-bow while not as good with a melee weapon. A gladiator is adept at bashing things with melee weapons but be restricted by heavy armours and have no real skill with missile weapons.










The character has a special gift that allows him or her to manipulate mystical forces. It is something that is accepted is not well understood by the peoples of Kharne. This sets mages apart from others and makes many wary of them and think twice before being rude. Maybe this is why it is common practice to wear robes, effectively announcing to all what they are.

The mos t common mage profession is the Wizard and like all characters of this class are skilled in the use of magic. They will begin knowing just a few simple spells but as the game progresses will learn many more. A mage's skill determines how many Power Points the mage has and the level of spells that he is able to cast. In general, mages are the weakest of all classes in combat, years of book learning instead of physical exercise means that they lumber around when wearing heavy armour and if possible avoid wearing anything other than cloth armour.

The warrior mage is an exception regarding the armour rule. This character has only been marginally touched by the gift, possibly from eating magical berries as a child or born on a special day. The lack of the full gift means that they have not been given the full training and as such will never achieve the highest powered spells but make up for this by being handy in a fight and not as restricted by armour.

© Ironshod




© Nee-sah
Priest is the generic term for somebody that is able to channel the powers of the gods through themselves in order to perform miracles. Priests are the servants of the gods and their services are rewarded with the ability to perform miracles.

Clerics are the most common priests. Clerics worship and acknowledge the entire pantheon of gods. Even though the cleric acknowledges the entire pantheon, he or she can favour a specific god in return for miracles. The nature of these miracles will be determined by the god, or gods, that the priest serves. As the priest's skill increases, he will be granted the use of more powerful miracles. As certain gods are aligned to war while others are aligned to peace, a priest is inclined to follow the teachings of the god to which they are most closely attuned. The actions of a priest in combat will be determined by his alignment. Followers of the Gods Garthrana and Sundonak would be found fighting long after a priest of Novala or Phyloqure has fled the battle. All priests have to spend some of their time learning to protect their faith and as such have learnt how to act effectively while wearing armour.

Some priests such as the Paladin are the holy warriors of the faith. They strive for tests of valour and wish only for a glorious death before joining the gods of war in heaven. From an early age they have sacrificed learning the teaching to learn warfare. As such they rate equal to fighters with the ability to perform miracles. On the down side, many find their fanaticism towards conflict more trouble than it is worth.




Thief is the generic term for somebody that shows no aptitude towards fighting, does not believe strongly in the majesty of the gods and has no gift for mystical forces. The character does however possess some qualities that frowned upon by most upright citizens.

The most common profession of thief is the Rogue. No surprises here. The rogue is a catburglar, pickpocket, and locksmith all rolled into one. Good awareness is the vital attribute here. This also tends to make them good with missile weapons. In combat they will fight if necessary but prefer to use bolts or arrows to strike from a distance. Heavy armour hampers their agility quite severly. Anything bulkier than leather causes severe set-backs.

The darker side to the thief is the assassin. Most will not accept their company along with other thieves due to guilt by association.

© BenWootten





Professions: Fighter

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