Kharne Encyclopedia

Professions: Mage



Professions: Thief

Priest is the generic term for somebody that is able to channel the powers of the gods through themselves in order to perform miracles.have a special gift that allows them to manipulate mystical forces.

So far, we have discovered two professions.


Clerics are trained in the worship of the entire pantheon. Many clerics will tend to favour a single god for a short time in order to cury favour or power but invariably they will drift between the various deities. As such they will never achieve the spiritual oneness that is needed to enter the temple of a specific god as an initiate. Due to the rigours of the faithful they have learnt to use some of the more common armours such as chain mail without overly slowing themselves down.

© yefumm

The warrior has apprenticed to men at arms from early childhood. Generally from skivvying to preparing meals they have built up both stamina and certain tolerance for taking orders. Heavy armour is a way of life for these professionals although the heaviest armour does weigh them down in combat. They are generally good with all weapons although up until their adventuring career they have not had any real experience.


Professions: Mage

Professions: Thief

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