Kharne Encyclopedia

The Book Kharne



Classes & Professions

There are many races living on Kharne but only four are suitable for adventuring, these being, human, elf, dwarf and halfblood (the result of a human and probably orc mating). Other races are not generally allowed to enter towns and do not have the right combination of intelligence and skill to last long as adventurers.

While one race may not exactly love another, all races will work together in a party.

© idolwild

Humans make up most of the population of civilized Kharne and have the widest range of abilities. They are also the most adaptable of the adventuring races and although they have no great advantage in any field, neither do they have any special weaknesses. They have no natural weapon preferences but by the same token they do not have any aversions to specific weapons.

Humans stand around six feet in height and have generally brown or black hair although reds and blondes are not uncommon. Eye colour tends towards brown or blue while green are considered quite rare and are often associated with elven heritage. Human clothing tends to be based on whatever station the person has attained in life. Most city folk and nobles prefer fine spun silks with rich embroidery while peasants have little more than homespun wool shirts and pants with hide shoes.


These tall graceful beings are by far the most intelligent of the adventuring races. Most of the world's greatest mages are elves. Their keen eyes and steady nerves make them very accurate with missile weapons but they are less hardy than other races and this can put them at a disadvantage in melee combat. Elves have a natural aptitude for the bow. Their fingers seem to nearly conjure the arrow from the quiver to the string. This talent for swift movement is also demonstrated with swords. Elves tend to be flighty characters. Maybe it has something to do with their acknowledged fairy heritage or their long life-span that instills a prominent desire for self preservation but even after a few scratches they tend to run for cover.

© wallpapersafari
Most elves are around five feet in height although there are a few rare individuals that reach heights of nearly seven feet. These are said to be the oldest elves and do not stop to talk with others except in unusual times. Common hair colour is blonde, and is often worn long and loose by both genders. They prefer loose fitting garb that is often near invisible although this is reserved for only elven gatherings. Their eyes are invariably a vibrant green with flecks of gold although the cat like shape of the pupil immediately distinguishes them from human.

© KateMaxpaint

Short and stocky but immensely strong, dwarves are tough as old boots and always ready for a good fight. They are often still in the thick of things after the elves are little more than dust on the horizon. All dwarves, even females, proudly display long thick beards. Their short stature makes it difficult for them to use certain large weapons, such as great-swords and long bows. It is rumored that even before being able to walk they are able to wield a smithing hammer. It is true that they prefer the hammer in combat although a axe is also closely associated with dwarves even though they are not renowned for chopping would. With fingers like stone, it is hardly surprising that they can span a cross-bow with their bare hands. This remarkable display of fortitude shaves vital moments normally lost during reloading. This makes the crossbow their favoured missile weapon.

Dwarves are said to have bones of stone. While not actually true their grey pallour and grim appearance likens them to the mountains they are found of mining. They stand between four and five feet in height and are nearly as broad. Their beards are black or brown although older dwarves may get gray patches. Legends have it that the oldest dwarven kings lived so long that the entire beards became white. With thick bristly eye-brows their eyes appear as little more than blackened pits with a occasional flicker of light from the depths, generally when talking about gold. Dwarves are nothing if not practical, preferring heavy cloaks and thick sturdy clothing with a wide belt. Ostentation comes in little more than finely wrought jewelry such as a necklace worn beneath their shirt or an elaborate ring. To be shown these is a rare gift of acceptance that they only bestow on a few.


These are the mongrels of Kharne, usually the offspring of human and orc, or human and goblin matings. As they are normally outcasts from their respective communities, this will usually result in them having excellent awareness and reflexes but sometimes not being very bright. Living an early life by their wits and cunning and fearing that anything that cannot be concealed will be taken by bigger and stronger individuals has meant that many have only been able to train with daggers and slings and bare fists. This makes them the swiftest fighters although their preferred weapons rarely deliver much damage unless somehow enchanted. Like elves they have developed a rather keen interest in preserving their own hides and they will gladly abandon their adventuring allies should things look a little bleak.

Halfbloods appear as malnourished and often hideously grotesque humans. It is rare, in fact unheard off for one to be without a number of scars. A halfblood with both ears is probably one not to mess with as these are usually bitten off when they are small. They take no pride in their appearance and will often avoid water bathing only when caught in a sudden down-pour.

© ELM17

They laugh at others misfortunes as it is always a relief not to one the receiving end. As they have always had to fight to eat from an early age, many will gorge until they vomit while others have not been adverse to digging up a recently buried ally for a midnight snack, especially if they were in the prime of their life when they died. If asked if the reason for their behaviour is because of what they are or because of how they were brought up, most would not care either way.

The Book Kharne

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