Kharne Encyclopedia

Plus 9 Items

Slaying Weapons & Protective Armour

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© CG-Warrior
Forged in the age of the Great Battles, these weapons and armour are designed to target specific races or monsters. They are extremely rare and amongst the most powerful weapons and armour one can find.

The only way to obtain such an item is from the hands of a slain enemy.


Legends, recounted by the oldest elves, speak of a time when dragons ruled the world and none could oppose them. All other races were slaves and food for the dragons. In secret though, weapons of power were forged. These weapons were designed for one purpose, to break the tyranny of the dragons and those with dragon blood such as hydras and drakes.

So far, the following Dragon Slaying Weapons have been discovered:

Ancient Short Sword+4

Rune Etched Sling+4

Rune Etched Light Crossbow+4

Fabulous Axe+4

Greater Rune Etched Warhammer+5
Ruby Pommelled Long Sword+4

Rune etched Short Bow+4

Mystical Mace+4

Mystical Morning Star+4

Greater Rune Etched Great Axe+5



From the beginning dwarves have toiled deep in the earth bringing forth riches unimaginable. These they hoarded behind stone doors in their moutain strongholds. With so much treasure it is not hard to believe that the other races coveted it. Those with the darkest souls and avarice matching their power created weapons designed solely for one purpose, to smite and slay dwarfs. During the wars that followed the last of the great dwarven holds were plundered.

So far, the following Dwarf Slaying Weapons have been discovered:

Mystical Great Axe+4

Dawn Short Sword+5

Magical Mace+5

Magical Battle Axe+5

Greater Rune Etched Sling+5

Greater Rune Etched Great Axe+5

Life stealing Battle Axe+6

Dark Blood Sling+6

Winter Long Sword+7
Mystical Warhammer+4

Rune Etched Light Crossbow+4

Druid's Quarter Staff+4

Greater Rune Etched Axe+5

Magical Halberd+5

Magical Short Sword+5

Greater Rune Etched Short Bow+5

Moon Great Sword+6

Living Quarter Staff+7

© LOTR Wiki


Elves have never had vast kingdoms like men and dwarves and for this reason few have ever envied thier possessions. Despite this though there have been those that would see every last one of them dead. Even fewer are those that have the power to make weapons that will carry out this desire. Over the eaons however a few rare items have been crafted and now lie at the bottom of dungeons awaiting somebody willing to put them to use. They are reputed to slay those with close ties to elven blood such as sprites and fairies.

So far, the following Elf Slaying Weapons have been discovered:

Ancient Short Bow+4

Ancient Mace+4

Rune etched Light Crossbow+4

Greater Rune Etched Halberd+5

Dawn Short Sword+5

Magical Light Crossbow+5

Life stealing Short Bow+6

Summer Dagger+7
Ancient Long Bow+4

Master crafted Light Crossbow+4

Greater Rune Etched Warhammer+5

Greater Rune Etched Spear+5

Magical Great Sword+5

Life stealing Halberd+6

Divine Great Sword+8

Dwarven Lord's Warhammer+8

© kristinaecarroll


Giants are fearsome brutes, with skin as thick as tree bark. Even magic weapons often have a hard time hurting them as many a hero has discovered in his last moments alive. Weapons that can slay a giant are a must for all that would seek the treasure of one of the members of the giant races. These weapons are reputed to work agianst those with giant blood and giant kind including trolls, ogres, elementals and some animates.

So far, the following Giant Slaying Weapons have been discovered:

Cold forged Dagger+4

Rune etched Warhammer+4

Greater Rune etched Sling+5

Winter Great Sword+7
Rune etched Heavy Crossbow+4

Master crafted Morning Star+4

Magical Sling+5

Life Stealing Axe+6

© parsakoira


Hatred for goblins and those of goblin blood such as orcs, gnolls, halfbloods and such like is universal. Wars have been fought more times than can be counted or even remembered against these loathsome creatures. To aid in this cause, weapons have been crafted that are able to cleave all but the greatest goblin in one blow. As the forging of one of these items requires the heart of a true and noble hero willingly given, it is unsurprising that they are rare.

So far, the following Goblin Slaying Weapons have been discovered:

Ancient Halberd+4

Emerald Pommelled Long Sword+4

Fabulous Short Sword+4

Fabulous Long Sword+4

Mythical Mace+4

Mythical Spear+4

Rune etched Sling+4

Magical Dagger+5

Magical Halberd+5

Life stealing Spear+6
Emerald Pommelled Dagger+4

Cold Forged Great Axe+4

Fabulous Morning Star+4

Emerald Pommelled Great Sword+4

Rune etched Club+4

Mythical Short Spear+4

Master crafted Spear+4

Master crafted Heavy Crossbow+4

Master crafted War Flail+4

Druid's Club+4

© ak0.pinimg


When humans first walked the lands of Kharne, many of the older races believed that the gods favoured them above others as they multiplied rapidly forming villages, towns and cities almost overnight. Fearing that the older races would be pushed from the lands they had wrestled from the dragons, the older races including both the elves and the dwarves banded together and forged weapons that would rid them of this threat once and for all. They went to war with the humans. They lost.

So far, the following Human Slaying Weapons have been discovered:

Ancient Short Bow+4

Rune Etched Light Crossbow+4

Master Crafted Light Crossbow+4

Master Crafted War Flail+4

Druid's Quarter Staff+4

Druid's Club+4

Life Stealing Great Axe+6

Demon Short Sword+9
Ancient Axe+4

Fabulous Spear+4

Master crafted Short Sword+4

Master crafted Morning Star+4

Evening Long Sword+5

Evening Dagger+5

Living Quarter Staff+7

© Prasa


Those that would follow the gods of light and stand against the minions of the dark gods would do well to equip themselves with a weapon of undead slaying. These have been crafted using the blood of valkyrie martyred to the cause and as such are rare indeed. They are able to destroy in a single blow the weakest undead and put fear into the hearts of even the most ancient of vampires.

So far, the following Undead Slaying Weapons have been discovered:

Mythical Great Axe+4

Rune Etched Spear+4

Rune Etched Battle Axe+4

Moon Great Sword+6

Life stealing Morning Star+6

Demon Short Sword+8

Divine Great Sword+8
Mythical Mace+4

Ancient Dagger+4

Druid's Club+4

Master Crafted War Flail+4

Life stealing Mace+6

Dark Blood Sling+6

Dwarven Lord's Battle Axe+8



A single blow from a dragon claw can shred armour and leave the would-be hero in bloody pieces. In the ancient rule of draconic tyranny, armours were therefore enchanted to withstand both bite and claw. While nothing could completely turn aside the fangs and talons, these armours at least gave the rebellion some hope of success. These pieces of armour are exceedingly rare as those that wore them invariably died.

So far, the following armours of Protection from Dragons have been discovered:

Greater Rune etched Ring Mail+5 Magical Leather Armour+5



Dwarven arms are strong from years of pounding iron. When angered and seeking to smite those that have offended them, they are truly fearsome. Alchemists in the past have sought ways of warding themselves against dwarves. Armour of dwarven protection is imbued with the power to turn aside blows from dwarves, turning a bone crushing smash into a gentle tap.

So far, the following armours of Protection from Dwarves have been discovered:

Greater Rune Etched Plate Mail+5

Mystical Mace+4
Mystical Scale Mail+4

Dragon Plate Mail+8



Wards against elves and fairies have been enchanted into armour. These will give some resistence against arrows and melee weapons used against the wearer. These armours were first crafted shortly after the fall of the reign of dragons although secret alchemists have been forging them for wealthy adventurers that would seek the fairy queen's treasure.

So far, the following armours of Protection from Elves have been discovered:

Magi's Robe+4

© Entar0178


Giants by their sheer size can inflict mortal blows as casually as swatting a fly. As such those that would challenge them would be wise to seek a suit magicially imbued with protective wards against these creatures. While the armour does not make the wearer invulnerable as some might wish, it can be enough to reduce a blow that would turn a boulder to dust to that which may be survivable.

So far, the following armours of Protection from Giants have been discovered:

Rune etched Ring Mail+4 Demon bound Scale Mail+7



Goblin wars are common which is why occasional suits of armour have been imbued with magic directed at preventing much of the damage inflicted by this race and those of goblin blood such as gnolls, kobolds and even halfbloods. With this armour, the hero can walk brazenly into a band of goblins and get out with only a few scratches.

So far, the following armours of Protection from Goblins have been discovered:

Mystical Scale Mail+4

Mystical Plate Mail+4

Greater Rune Etched Leather Armour+5
Rune Etched Leather Armour+4

Rune Etched Chain Mail+4



Even though the older races lost the war against humans in the misty depths of time, artefacts remain. These are armours enchanted in such a way to resist the blows directed at the wearer dealt by human hands and those of human blood. Since then though others have attempted and in some cases succeeded in copying these armours although they are very rare.

So far, the following armours of Protection from Humans have been discovered:

Rune Etched Leather Armour+4

Drake Leather Armour+4
Rune Etched Ring Mail+4

Mystical Ring Mail+4

© medievalchronicles


The chilling touch of the undead often causes as much damage to those on the receiving end as the tearing slice caused by long claws. Armour such as this is magically warded against undead. The attacks from undead are often foiled or in the case of the greater evils reduced to a cold bite.

So far, the following armours of Protection from Undead have been discovered:

Rune Etched Leather Armour+4

Conjurer's Cloth Armour+5
Drake Leather Armour+4

© boards.fireden

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