Kharne Encyclopedia

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Magic Items

The world of Kharne is full of magic. Characters who know how to harness that power are called mages. The following is an excerpt of the game rules:

In the beginning, your mages will know how to cast only a few simple spells; those listed in the Spells and Powers table of your turn report. An information token will be provided for each spell which describes what the spell does and what you can cast it on.

The casting of a spell usually involves an incantation, (complicated chant) waving of the arms and most importantly the mixing of rare herbs and powders. These are called spell powders. The spell number indicates the powders used in a spell, each digit representing the last digit of the spell powder.

For example, spell 98 would require powders 309 and 308, one of each would be used when the spell is cast.

A Mage's skill represents the magical power or energy available to a mage. Casting a spell causes a lot of mental stress and uses some of this power up. Some power will be regained at the end of a turn and during rest. To cast a spell, the mage must have enough power points available.

The magic section is the only section in the game that is different in every game. There are different spell powders used in different games and while the spells are always the same, their combination is different in every game.

The Magic Scrolls do not provide a list of spell combinations for any game, but you can find the generic official description of all spell powders and of every spell. There is also a list of all other items with magical properties.

You can check out the chapters of the Magic Scrolls using the links below,
or you can start here and continue browsing, using the forward pointing daggers.

Magic Items



Everything on these pages is related only to the fantasy game world of Quest and has no relations whatsoever to the real world and real people, places or events!

All pictures are borrowed from other not-game-related sites for illustration and entertainment purpose only. Every picture is credited with copyright information and linked to its original page.

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