Kharne Encyclopedia

Movable Inventory


These articles can not be found in dungeons.
They are sold in General Stores and sometimes in Inns.

433 - TORCH

Torches can be bought in most towns and are essential for successful investigation of dungeons or other underground locations. Each torch will burn for two turns on average. They will be used automatically when required. Exploring dungeons without a torch can be slow and dangerous, as well as unprofitable.

© The Elder Scrolls Wiki

Unlike modern mirrors, these are usually a flat piece of metal, plated with silver and highly polished. They are durable but need fresh polish at regular intervals and are quite expensive. Most common folk have learned to manage perfectly well without them.

464 - FURS

Towns all over Kharne offer bounties on a wide range of animals. As evidence of a kill, a group must hand over the dead creature's fur, skin, head, or whatever, before the bounty will be paid. If you kill a creature for which a bounty is offered, your group will automatically take the evidence from the dead body. To exchange the item for gold issue the order 'H (char) (0) (464)' in any town offering the bounty.



These sturdy tools, which can be bought in most towns, are essential for any party wishing to dig up buried items or hidden treasure, especially while exploring in the open wilderness. One set per group will be sufficient.

© ebay

466 - NOT IN USE

In older versions of Quest, this number was given to Lamp (466). The item was never implemented.

In some versions of the game an age-old bug delivers the text for Torch (433) when the item number is investigated.


The gift for a man with everything - something to carry it all in. A backpack will lower a character's encumbrance by 20 percent. A character can carry more than one backpack but only the first will have this effect. They are made of weatherproof cloth or leather with strong straps and fittings to withstand plenty of rough treatment.

© ak0.pinimg

468-470 - FOOD RATIONS

Rations can be bought in even the smallest villages, usually from a market stall. Rations are essential for any party not staying at an inn. Each character will consume one ration per turn.

There is no official blurb for food rations.
Item numbers 468, 469 and 470 stand for 10 rations, 30 rations and 50 rations.

© Cookit - E2Bn
471 - NOT IN USE


These fine metal tools are an essential part of any thief's equipment. They greatly increase the chance of successfully opening locks without damaging the lock and without setting off concealed traps. This does not have much effect on robberies in town, as most townsfolk are too poor to afford decent locks anyway, but they can be very useful in dungeons or ruins.


Movable Inventory


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Everything on these pages is related only to the fantasy game world of Quest and has no relations whatsoever to the real world and real people, places or events!

All pictures are borrowed from other not-game-related sites for illustration and entertainment purpose only. Every picture is credited with copyright information and linked to its original page.

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