Kharne Encyclopedia

Gem Stones


Movable Inventory
These jewelry items are mostly found in dungeons.
Sometimes, they are offered in JEWELER stores or TEMPLES.
They can be sold in Jeweler Stores.


As you might expect, this is an item of jewellery made to be worn around the neck. The chain is made of gold and it is set with several valuable gemstones including small griss stones. Because of its enormous value, only city jewellers would be able to offer a sensible price for it. Those in a village or town simply couldn't afford to pay what it is worth.

© etsy
259-268 - NOT IN USE
269 - CROWN

This impressive piece of headgear is made from precious metals of several kinds. It is uncomfortable to wear and a little flamboyant, even for the most extravagant adventurer. To avoid being robbed by everyone you meet, it might be best to keep it hidden until you can sell it. For a decent price you will have to go to a city.

© Letteradonna moda

This headpiece is a wide metal band of precious metal which has been set with several precious stones of varying types. You suspect that it may have once belonged to a high-ranking noble of considerable wealth. It certainly appears to be very old. You should be able to sell it in a city without too much difficulty.

© historyofeuropeanfashion

The tiara is a large ring of precious metal designed to sit upon the head. It is obviously quite valuable and has a few small gemstones set in the front of it. It has no practical use but you could sell it for a fair price in most towns or cities.

© Tudor Treasures

Glass orbs measure between three and six inches across and are perfectly spherical. They have no apparent use other than as ornaments. The orb is clear but full of swirling bands of colour where dyes have been added to the glass before it is set. Some of them also have engravings or etchings upon the surface of the glass while others have small objects or mementoes encased inside. Most jewellers would be happy to pay a fair price to obtain one as they are regarded as collector's items by some townsfolk.

© Abstract Wallpapers

Earrings are common on Kharne and vary in price enormously. Most can be bought for less than one gold but these are clearly inferior in craftsmanship and materials. They can be sold at any jeweller.

274 - GOBLET

Goblets are the drinking cups used by wealthy nobles or merchants to impress their underlings and peers. They are generally made of precious metals and are decorated with skilled workmanship. The more valuable specimens may even be encrusted with a variety of gemstones though these are obviously rare. Usually engravings or etchings around the cup will suffice.


Bracelets are used as an alternative to wedding rings in many towns and cities, especially amongst the wealthy. They also make popular gifts for both men and women. Quality and value obviously vary widely but this item definitely seems to be of great worth. The metal used in its links is clearly gold and small gemstones have been used to add extra sparkle. Selling it to a city jeweller should fetch an excellent price.

276 - LOCKET

Lockets are often exchanged between lovers or close friends who must spend long periods of time apart. The locket is a tiny metal box, normally attached to a fine metal chain to be worn around the neck. The locket can contain a tiny picture of the missing friend, or some other item of affection, perhaps a lock of hair. (Half-bloods often exchange teeth!) Occasionally lockets are used to hold magical or religious talismans.

© Michael Bromberg

This ancient book is bound in thick leather with heavy parchment pages. The pages are covered in religious text, written in a now-unused dialect making understanding difficult, if not impossible. Even the style of the lettering is unfamiliar. The text seems to contain nothing of immediate use but with careful study your priests might eventually learn something to boost their skill. You feel sure that any temple or library would pay generously for this collector's item.

© The Guardian

This huge book is bound in solid oak and the pages are made of vellum. It is written in a language so ancient that even your mages can only understand a few words. From the words which they manage to decipher and from the diagrams and alchemical symbols which are found throughout the work, they deduce it to be a book of magical learning. Further study of the work might have a small chance of improving your mage's skills but the text is so obscure that it might be best to just sell it at a mage's guild or library next time you visit town.

© The Gaming Den
279 - AMULET

An amulet is a piece of jewellery or metalwork bearing a religious or magical symbol. It should be noted that these symbols bestow no special powers upon the character wearing them. They are merely a sign of respect towards the god depicted or a means of identification. Amulets are quite valuable and will usually sell for several hundred gold pieces.

© DesertRubble


This is an ornamental helmet, generally worn at ceremonial occasions by high ranking military personnel. It is similar to an ordinary helmet but light in weight, made from highly polished metal, and absolutely useless in combat. They occasionally bear some symbol of rank or allegiance but most do not. They can be sold in most towns or cities.

© ak0.pinimg

Medals are generally made of base metals and have no material value. They are usually given as reward for bravery or long service by nobles to their servants or soldiers. They are valuable only to collectors but most jewellers will offer a fair price for them. They are usually only worn on formal occasions. To wear one at other times, or even worse to wear one which has not been earned, is the sort of behaviour one might expect from a half- blood, but not from a respectable member of society.

© Mystic Convergence

Medallions are normally worn as symbols of rank but there is a growing trend towards their use as status symbols. Symbols of rank tend to be fairly plain and depict the coat of arms of the noble who employs the wearer. Medallions worn as status symbols will be far more ornate and often show a remarkable lack of taste. Their sole purpose is a demonstration of wealth. Medallions are quite valuable and can be sold to any jeweller.

283 - MAGE's ROBE

This is the traditional form of dress for mages of all civilised races. The robe is a full length garment, decorated with an assortment of symbols to show the mage's skill, areas of expertise, and guild rank if appropriate. They contain numerous pockets to carry the components used by the mage in his work. They are very distinctive and no mage in his right mind would wear them whilst adventuring! A mage in robes is the first thing enemy archers look for. Consequently they are generally only worn at guild meetings or occasionally around town.

© ak0.pinimg

This chain was obviously made for someone special or for someone with a great deal of gold and very little sense. The links are made from solid gold and even the leg irons at each end are of gold. The weight of gold alone would be worth several hundred gold pieces. The high quality of the workmanship could boost this even higher. The links are too small and the metal too soft to be of practical use.


Chains made of silver are believed to be useful in restraining certain demons or other unnatural creatures. The difficult part is persuading the average demon to stand still long enough to be chained in the first place. The chains are obviously worth a great deal for their weight in silver alone.


Credit letters can be purchased from money lenders or merchants throughout Kharne. The letters are less bulky than gold coins and less likely to be stolen than valuable gems. Once a group has purchased a credit letter they can convert it back to cash in any town or city. Most money lenders charge a commission of 10% for this service. The guild of money lenders is probably the most powerful on Kharne and they have access to spiritual and magical aid to confirm the validity of each transaction.


Gem Stones

Movable Inventory

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All pictures are borrowed from other not-game-related sites for illustration and entertainment purpose only. Every picture is credited with copyright information and linked to its original page.

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