Kharne Encyclopedia

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© Pieter Aertsen
There are many items for sale in the stores of cities, towns and villages, and even more items to be found in dungeons.

The Book of Merchants lists all the items that can be found or bought - except for weapons and armour, which are listed in the Book of War.

The book also lists descriptions of all types of stores and a description of all the services offered in stores and temples.

The book consists of six chapters

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ITEM # 251 - 256

Gem Stones can be bought and sold at Jeweler stores.
They can also be found in dungeons.

ITEM # 258 - 286

These items are mostly found in dungeons.
Sometimes, they are offered in Jeweler stores or Temples.

ITEM # 419 - 455

This is dungeon inventory that can be removed
from its location to be sold in towns.
Sometimes, these items are also offered in several stores.

ITEM # 433 - 472

These articles can not be found in dungeons.
They are sold in General Stores and sometimes in Inns.

ITEM # 601 - 633

The stores in Kharne's settlements offer a multitude of services.
They can usually be obtained using the B-Order.

Every settlement in Kharne consists of a number of stores.
An I-Order on the store number reveals special items for sale
and also gives the official blurb for each store.

Everything on these pages is related only to the fantasy game world of Quest and has no relations whatsoever to the real world and real people, places or events!

All pictures are borrowed from other not-game-related sites for illustration and entertainment purpose only. Every picture is credited with copyright information and linked to its original page.

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