Kharne Encyclopedia

Monster Manual

Monsters, Page I
80I - 805


© King of Dragon Pass Wiki
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx80I - GAZE BEASTS

Where these strange creatures originated from is a mystery, possibly the evil concoction of a mad alchemist, or the joke of a rather malicious and forgotten god. Whatever the reason, to stare one of these beasts in the eye is to risk madness or death. While their reflections are harmless, in many cases turning your back would be folly, claws and teeth are often lethal.

© King of Dragon Pass Wiki


Distant cousins to the dragons, these may well have been progeny of couplings between dragons and a ground crawling lizard. If this was the case though, they have diminished in size as they are only a few feet long. They are rightly feared for they can jet corrosive blood from tiny openings just above their scaled snout. The poison will burn flesh from bones in seconds and even survivors are said to have evil dreams in their later years driving them to hurl themselves to their death into deep lakes.

© Katelyn Malmsten


Mistaking this deadly creature for a large lizard is often the last mistake of foolhardy adventurers. The Basilisk is about nine feet long with a scaly hide, six short legs, a tail, a large mouth full of very sharp pointy teeth and a look which can kill. Anyone unfortunate enough to meet the gaze of an angry basilisk will be turned instantly to stone. Fortunately the Basilisk is quite rare and only ever found underground.

© ravenscar45


Comprising a strange mixture of a serpent's body, but the head similar to that of a cockerel, the cockatrice is a deadly enemy. Maybe its strange, almost comical looks accounts for its vicious temper. It likes nothing more than to squawk and fly at the intended victim, clasping their shoulders in two powerful claws driving them to the ground. Once there it will use its gaze to petrify the victim.

© Kay Morrison


In the dark, this creature can easily be mistaken for a mountain lion of large size. A bit of light though will reveal an extra head, this being that of a goat. Finally its tail is that of a serpent. Together, these make up a savage horror. The creature is truly insane, probably from having arguments with itself. This insanity means that the creature will often attack with tooth and claw rather than use the infernal power of its serpent tail. This should be truly feared as the sight of cold eyes will bring all but those of the strongest wills within range of the snake. Should this happen, the victim will be bitten and injected with a poison so powerful that body will become dust in seconds.

© IsisMasshiro


This frightening creature is believed to be the results of a mating between a Dragon and a Basilisk. The creature retains most of the appearance of the Basilisk side of its origin, the main differences are that it is slightly bigger in size than a Basilisk and that the creature has also inherited the wings of a Dragon. Being of hardier stock than a normal Basilisk it can be a very difficult creature to face when you take into account its paralysing stare and its ability to engulf a person whole, something definitely that only the strong and fearless should fight.

© bobgreyvenstein
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx802 - CENTAUR

The centaur is an intelligent and usually friendly denizen of rough or woodland terrain. They live by hunting and growing simple crops. They can use their hooves to good effect in combat but most prefer to fight with bows or spears. Centaurs are a conscientious folk and good to their environment and for this Molwanh looks on them with favour. For the centaurs she is regarded as a god of peace and harmony rather than evil.

© Pat Brennan


Foals are born in a cluster of mares such that nobody can witness their birth. Why this is kept a secret when couplings occur publicly is a mystery. A mystery jealously guarded by all centaurs to the permanent cost of a few would-be peeping Toms. From what little is known for fact, foals can walk and even run hours after being born. From an early age, merely months after walking, foals are taught the use of bow and spear and when only a few years old will rival many human archers.

© Sandara


Both male and female can fight but for the most part, it is the role of the males to hunt and defend the tribe. Even from an early age there is training in running, jumping and launching frenzied attacks. Unfortunately for the centaurs, their fondness for strong drink means that many of them prove to be less capable in battle than they should be.


The ability to shoot while at full gallop is something that is revered amongst the centaur people. Those that can fire while vaulting fallen trees or when turning are given much acclaim. Those that are proficient with bows beyond average generally have a following of mares. This can make them proud and often arrogant. It is best to treat these people with deference as any slight against either their herd or themselves can lead to violence.

© wallpapersonthenet

While most centaurs shun the use of armour, preferring the mobility gifted them by their four strong legs, there are a few, possibly wiser ones that swear by the stuff. These are often older and wiser than the more reckless youths. This makes them doubly dangerous as the armour in no way impedes their strength. They always wield melee weapons, generally the spear that they use like a lance, punching through the thickest plate armour at full gallop.

© RUshN

These rare centaurs are veterans of a herd. Having long proved their prowess in every area, they will normally have a following of loyal mares. Attaining this lofty rank is only achieved through years of combat with other centaurs, so it is hardly surprising that these are superior to the average centaur with both bow and spear. To provoke one of these is to beg for a swift death.

© Lucien Maverick

Amongst a large herd comprising many stallions and mares, one will always command. This is the stallion lord. The lord is virtually worshipped as a god by all alike. This exalted rank allows the lord to couple with any mare no matter who they follow not that any other centaur would dream of preventing the act. The lord is always faster, stronger and more skilled with weapons than any other centaur in the herd.

© JohnSilva

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx803 - GORGON

Like the Medusa of legend, Gorgons are evil creatures with the body of a woman and a tangle of poisonous snakes for their hair. Gorgons have sharp claws and teeth and the snakes are obviously dangerous but their deadliest weapon is their petrifying gaze. Anyone meeting their stare will be turned to lifeless stone. They are found only underground.

These creatures tend to haunt the wastes of the world where they can hide their hideousness for everything. They truly hate everything especially the gods for the fate they have been given. It is believed that should a way be found to bring them before the gods that made them, they will be transformed back into beautiful women. Unfortunately nobody is willing to risk certain petrification as well as the ill will of the gods in order to do so.

© clash-of-the-titans.wikia
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx804 - DEMIFOLK

So called as they combine some of the features of humans with those of creatures. Legend has it that they are descended from magical wars. Those of a more religious persuasion believe that they are the result of bestial intimacies of a kind only found in the more obscure rituals of Molwanh. If the latter is to be believed it would explain why demifolk are often lustful followers of the fertility god even when their looks are against them.

© Matthew Steward

The foul harpy is recognised as one of the most disgusting creatures of the world. They have the upper body of a hag and the wings and legs of a bird. They live underground or in mountain caves and prey upon anything which moves. Their nests are filthy and even orcs complain about the smell when a harpy passes downwind. Harpies attack with their sharp claws and the powerful talons on their legs. The accumulated filth on the claws acts as a paralysing poison, the downfall of many adventurers.

© sketcheth

Although these are often found innocently frolicking in wooded glades, all is not what it seems. All adventurers have heard tales of those that would listen to these lustful beings. Drinking their wines and eating their foods is considered permission for the satyrs to have their wicked way with the unsuspecting reveller. While they appear to have the upper torso of a man and the lower torso and back legs of a male goat, they make quite free with their lust. Stumbling into one of these feasts and refusing to take part generally stirs them to anger although they will quickly flee when they espy naked steel rather than naked flesh.

© Yoso999
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx805 - HYDRA

One of the few things deadlier than a large fire breathing lizard is a large fire breathing lizard with several heads. The older the Hydra the more heads it has. Each capable of breathing flame, or biting through anything which doesn't burn well. The Hydra lives in subterranean locations and is especially comfortable in deep dungeons. The Hydra is a stubborn beast and seldom flees from combat even if fighting against overwhelming odds.

© Magic: the Gathering

This is a fearsome beast. Glistening scales cover its body while the flexibility of its heads allows it to strike out at anyone no matter where they may hide. This monster is the smallest of the hydra, less than twenty feet long, but still dangerous.

© MironishiN

This is a fearsome beast. Glistening scales cover its body while the flexibility of its heads allows it to strike out at anyone no matter where they may hide. This monster is one that has reached maturity, where it will live for a number of years to come having attained a noble length of over thirty feet.

© HorstVanDoom

This is a fearsome beast. Glistening scales cover its body while the flexibility of its heads allows it to strike out at anyone no matter where they may hide. This monster is one that has reached late maturity, having survived for countless years and has attained a prestigious length of over forty feet.

© ForrestImel

This is a fearsome beast. Glistening scales cover its body while the flexibility of its heads allows it to strike out at anyone no matter where they may hide. This monster is one that has grown to full length and will not grow any more but has attained the scary length of over fifty feet. From this point onwards it will only grow more heads.

© unisci24

This is a fearsome beast. Glistening scales cover its body while the flexibility of its heads allows it to strike out at anyone no matter where they may hide. This monster is one that has grown to full length and will not grow any more but has attained the scary length of over fifty feet. From this point onwards it will only grow more heads.


This is a fearsome beast. Glistening scales cover its body while the flexibility of its heads allows it to strike out at anyone no matter where they may hide. This monster is one that has grown to full length and will not grow any more but has attained the scary length of over fifty feet. From this point onwards it will only grow more heads.

© Superpower Wiki

This is a fearsome beast. Glistening scales cover its body while the flexibility of its heads allows it to strike out at anyone no matter where they may hide. This monster is one that has grown to full length and will not grow any more but has attained the scary length of over fifty feet. From this point onwards it will only grow more heads.

Monster Manual


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