Kharne Encyclopedia


Monsters, Page 6
826 - 830


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx826 - DRAKE

Drakes are huge lizards found underground and in forest terrain. Although they are herbivorous, they have sharp claws and teeth to protect them against predators and to attack anyone, or thing, invading their territory. They are not intelligent and are apparently fearless in battle.


The smallest of the drakes are those that come from the mating of a drake and a giant lizard. While smaller than the drakes, they tend to be more vicious feasting as happily on meat as they are on vegetation. They are rarely active during the night or early morning, needing the warmth of the sun before doing anything more than basking.


The average drake is around ten feet long with many scales that overlap, but looks very different to dragons. Their eyes are small and virtually useless. Their reptile heritage is easily evident in the way that they taste the air, but unlike other lizards are not effected by the cold.

© DrawsTillIdie

Reaching lengths of over twenty five feet, they use this extra weight to bring down entire trees in order to feed on the foliage. Suddenly coming across one as it smashes its way through a forest will invariably have everybody reaching for weapons fearing that a beast is about to attack. This mistake may well have many dead before the beast is slain.

© Dragonnick741

The prospect of easy food sometimes brings the largest of the drakes into direct confrontation with farmers. Attaining lengths of forty feet and more, thick hedges and fences become tinder before their steady crawl. Pitch forks and axes having little effect on the thick scales, the farmers are often forced to seek the aid of passing adventurers should they wish to see the winter through with any provisions at all.

© berkeleypathfinderjr
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx827 - GIANT WASP

Huge insects are quite rare. The reason for this is unknown especially when there are stranger creatures abroad that achieve immense size. The giant wasps are rarely found in large numbers, but tend to stay close to their nest, a strange construction of pulped wood and sometimes bones from whatever it was eating at the time of making it. Hunting for food, they will rarely if ever attack more than a lone individual as they seek to drag their prey back to the nest in order to feed both themselves and their larvae.


The larvae of the giant wasp has a voracious appetite, using large claws they will tear and feast on whatever enters their nest swallowing every last scrap. Only when they pupate is any of the indigestible items that they swallowed left with the chrysalis.


The giant wasp is one of the deadliest of the insects found on Kharne. It moves extremely fast, is fearless in battle and injects a fast acting and often deadly poison whenever it strikes. Fortunately it will not usually attack unless it is disturbed or threatened.

© wikia.nocookie

The deadliest insect found on Kharne combines the worst features of a scorpion and a wasp. It has a vicious temper, powerful wings and a long prehensile tail with a poisonous stinger at the tip. It will usually attack anything that moves. Fortunately they are rare and almost always found underground.

© rollplaywestmarches.wikia
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx828 - GIANT SCORPION

Like its smaller cousins the giant scorpion dwells in barren or desert terrain and is equipped with a real sting in the tail. Unlike an ordinary scorpion few adventurers make the mistake of treading on one! Would you tread on a eight foot long monster with armour plating, two foot claws, and ten feet of poison tipped tail? Probably not.


A pale sandy colour, these are able to remain perfectly still through the long hot hours of the day blending in perfectly with the surroundings. Then when a potential victim passes close the tail will come into play, stinging and injecting poison. The poison of these creatures is fairly weak and takes hours to take effect, during which time the sand crawler will doggedly pursue.


The scorpions are remarkable creatures, utterly fearless, they are capable of going for months with no food yet will still attack a large and well equipped party. Once in combat, they will either kill or be killed and even after they have all claws and tail hacked off, they will still attempt to attack until they finally fall dead.

© laclillac

A thick ridge of sandy plates covers the entire scorpion. The only vulnerable spot being the narrow cracks where two plates meet. No less aggressive than other giant scorpions, their armour is more than capable of turning all but the sharpest of swords.

© Raymond Swanland

Dwarfing even the normal giant scorpion, these scary creatures are jet black and easily seen from a distance, but at the same time, they can detect a slight sand slide caused by the passage of feet many hundreds of yards away. Moving faster than a horse they will strike with precision, killing all but the most hardy within seconds.

© ak0.pinimg
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx829 - LEPER

In a world of miracles, why is it that the diseased are allowed to wander the roads begging for money. Simple really, as they have no gold, they cannot afford the fee to be healed. The followers of Baldor have better things to do to bring them closer to their god. As it is these poor souls have lost all faith and probably a limb or two. On a lighter note however their suffering is rarely long as they are easy prey for the many monsters that roam the wilderness.

© akreon

The sadness that is easily seen within the eyes of children struck down with disease is often overlooked as the lepers are given a wide berth. There are those that kill these wretched creatures out of hand, disguising a vicious streak with a pretty speech about saving them years of misery or just laughing as the defenseless cripple is hacked to pieces.

© dark-fantasy

Death is slow for the leper, stealing parts of the body at a time. Wild animals can smell the decay and avoid these people leaving them well alone. Some think that they have been abandoned by the gods and are suffering because of it. If this is the case, then even Baldor has a selfish streak.

© inkwellideas
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx830 - BAT

While most bats are nothing more than small creatures that feed on insects and fruit during the twilight hours, a few can prove troublesome to adventurers. These are often attracted to the light of camp fires and torches or find adventurers by some darker means.

© feintbellt

More a hazard than a threat. Attracted to bright lights they are stupid enough to crash into torches instantly exploding. Why they would do this is beyond understanding, but the effect can be quite amazing as moth, and torch wielder are consumed in a fireball.

© DarkCrownleaf98

The shade is not really a bat at all. It is in fact nothing more than a shadow that resembles a bat. Growing from the cold and evil that dwells in dark vaults these manifestations of sorrow and dark thoughts gather awaiting anything living to venture close. Their bite, virtually painless will freeze the victim to the core, all colour and life draining from them until they collapse and die, their skin shrinking and decaying until even their bones turn to dust.

© warhammerfantasy.wikia

Most bats are too small to be a threat to adventurers. The giant variety is the exception. Not only can it cause great damage with its claws and teeth but it is also a carrier of many kinds of disease. Many characters have walked away from battle with nothing more than a few bat scratches, and then died several weeks later, frothing at the mouth and writhing in agony. Giant bats are nocturnal and often attack sleeping groups.

© VegasMike

Straight from the vaults of the dark gods, these escape through cracks and vents into this world and seek dark places. From here they scheme and plot, seeking those of valiant and good character. To these the full horror is revealed, striking mercilessly in complete silence. Their demonic nature means that dark enchantments are invested in these creatures.

© OrientalisDraco

The vampire bat is not particularly large or fierce but is dangerous nonetheless. It attacks at night when its victims are asleep and the saliva on its teeth numbs pain and prevents its attack being noticed. It usually flaps away with a belly full of blood before anyone notices it. The effects are obvious the following morning. The bat's victim will be pale and weak from loss of blood. The bat often infects its victim with disease which will result in death within several months unless a cure is found. The vampire bat resides in jungle terrain or underground.

© faxtar

The vampire bat is not particularly large or fierce but is dangerous nonetheless. It attacks at night when its victims are asleep and the saliva on its teeth numbs pain and prevents its attack being noticed. It usually flaps away with a belly full of blood before anyone notices it. The effects are obvious the following morning. The bat's victim will be pale and weak from loss of blood. The bat often infects its victim with disease which will result in death within several months unless a cure is found. The vampire bat resides in jungle terrain or underground.



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