Kharne Encyclopedia


Monsters, Page I2
856 - 860


© Koraden
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx856 - QUIKADU

The Quikadu is a large flightless bird found on the open plains of Kharne. It can run at great speed which keeps it out of trouble most of the time. If combat is unavoidable the male is equipped with a chitinous horn on its head. This can inflict considerable damage especially if the quikadu has a good run up. Several attempts have been made to train quikadu as mounts but without success so far. They are certainly strong enough to carry a man but they are not easy to train and react violently to anyone climbing on board.

© Jane Widdowson-Gray

This young hatchling is an ungainly and poorly co-ordinated creature that fumbles and stumbles about its early months. The characteristic Quikadu horn is soft at this stage, but it can still inflict a painful peck with its beak.

© emuoilcanada

Many hunters swear by the flesh of these creatures. A few of these roasted over an open fire is more than enough to satisfy the largest appetites. Add to this a few ales and this style of eating could catch on.

© Australia

Usually found in forest terrain, the Sylvan Quikadu is much smaller than a normal Quikadu but it makes up for its lack of size with a turn of speed and outright aggressive nature that has given it the nickname of the "Forest Demon".


This Quikadu is large and powerful. It has rich plumage, which in certain areas is the highest fashion accessory. However getting the feathers from a live Quikadu Royale is an impossible task. The bird is savage when it is defending its territory and its brood.

© weirdtwist
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx868 - GARMYK

The garmyk is a large amphibious creature. It looks vaguely like a huge black frog with glowing red eyes. The garmyk hunts at night when it is almost impossible to see in the darkness. Its red eyes are hypnotic and anyone gazing into them will be entranced. The garmyk then creeps forwards and slowly feeds by licking the flesh from its victim with its long acid coated tongue. Although in agony the victim is totally unable to move or cry out. Several parties of adventurers tell of the times they have risen in the morning to discover their watchman a bloody corpse.

© ak0.pinimg
The general description is identical to the description of the Garmyk subcategory for
however, there is an additional specific description:


Cities often sell small charms against this creature. They are small pouches that hang around the neck and are meant to repel the creature. According to the peddlers, the herbs within taste horrible and cause the garmyk to blink, thus freeing the victim. They are of course completely useless as the garmyk invariably licks the face first killing the target.

© The Far Realm
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx858 - GUZZARD

The guzzard is an eight legged lizard with an unusual, and dangerous, method of feeding. Its mouth is a funnel shaped snout. From this snout it shoots out a spray of digestive juices. The snout can control the spray to cover a wide area, or to produce a narrow jet capable of striking at up to twenty yards. The juices are very strong and will kill most small creatures immediately. The guzzard then sucks up the pre-digested goo that remains of its victims body.

© forgottenrealms.wikia

The typical guzzard is over ten feet long and capable of standing up on its hind four legs in order to increase the range of its jet of acid. The feet of the beast appear to be immune to the effects of the acid, but as yet they have not been used to make a shield covering.

© CarolPhillipsArt
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx859 - WEREBEAST

Werebeasts are the creation of a terrible disease. Carried by certain creatures, it can only be caught from the saliva of these beasts when the rage is upon them. The rage is felt during the full moon. At this time, the victim grows and distorts, shedding clothing along with reason until only the animal remains. It is at this time and only at this time that the disease can be passed on. Luckily if that is the right word, those that would fall prey to this infection are often eaten or at least savaged so badly that they die long before the next full moon.

© ak0.pinimg

The smallest of the werecreatures, the cat is still a vicious killer. Springing twenty strides or more, or pouncing from an overhead branch or the eaves of a roof the werecat will hit silently driving the victim to the ground before tearing out the spine. Often the madness is so bad that it will then dash off losing interest once the mangled corpse has stopped moving.

© BobKehl

The werewolf is a man infected with the disease of lycanthropy. When the moon is full and at times of stress the man transforms into a wolflike monster with sharp claws, bristly fur and powerful jaws. It is immensely strong and fast and seems to be unharmed by ordinary weapons. Humans or half-bloods bitten by a werewolf will sometimes become infected with the disease themselves. Many victims are unaware of their illness for several months as they retain no memory of events which occur while they are in wolf form.

© zeejaywong

The rarest of the werebeasts, the bear form is a hulking monster that seems to be impervious to weapons. Those that have this affliction often flee cities and all civilization as their sheer size when the rage has taken hold generally means that they survive the night. Thus when a stranger warns you to flee before the next full moon, it is wise advice. There is a legend of a race of humans that have learnt to control this form of lycanthropy in order to assume bear form at will, but this is merely legend, isn't it?


A creature of legend, now rarely heard of except in children's tales or spoken by backwater farmers. If it has a face, then it has never been seen as it is permanently shrouded in a darkness that it weaves around itself. Little more than a shadow that lurks in dark lanes, those that see it up close and survive are never able to explain what they have seen. Should one die, all that remains is a black rag that turns to mist in the rising sun.

© steamcardexchange
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx860 - MERCHANT

Trade between settlements is the lifeblood of merchants. They ply their trade across the entire continent always seeking to make a profit. In a world where monsters abound though their merchandise is rarely easy pickings. A number of stout mercenaries guard the wagons during the dangerous trek 'cross country. Should an adventurer turn to banditry, a quick profit can be turned if he is willing to risk a fight.

© ClaudioPilia

Merchants generally hire a few stout fighting men to guard their wagons during the perilous journey between cities. These men though are often little better than bandits themselves. They may appear intimidating to a new adventurer, but all it takes is a little courage and a few nicks to send these would-be guards fleeing for their lives.

© Seonhee Lim

While a poor fighter, many of these carry their wealth with them, slowly accumulating it during their meandering travels, trading wherever there is profit. For this reason, many will fight to the death in order to save their possessions or flee with their money pouch as fast as possible. As the items they trade in are rarely of use to adventurers, the escaping merchant invariably means a lost haul.



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All pictures are borrowed from other not-game-related sites for illustration and entertainment purpose only. Every picture is credited with copyright information and linked to its original page.

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