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Great Minds Think Alike


Volker's Pictures
December 17, 2013 was a full moon night. I was out taking pictures of some of the holiday decoration in our neighborhood. But soon, the moon became more interesting than all the artificial lights. I've tried it before, and I tried it again: another vain attempt to catch the spirit of the full moon in a picture.

Again a bunch of pictures I will save to my computer and never watch again. So I thought.

But then, a couple of week later, my brother send me a number of full moon pictures. Hard to believe, but in the same night, Steffen had the same idea and took almost the same pictures!

Steffen's pictures
Steffen's night started earlier than mine, but nine hours later, when the moon made it to California, it brought a bunch of greetings and a lot of memories. No wonder, that bright thing in the sky looked so familiar.

There is a German saying: "Two fools have to share one thought."
I like the American translation of this proverb better:

Great minds think alike! X


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